Chairman's Message May 2021
I hope that you and your families are well and have managed to stay safe this year
I hope that you and your families are well and have managed to stay safe this year and that many of you will have had at least one vaccination. It has been well over a year since CRUFTS, the last Ch. show. Who would have envisaged what this past period held for us. One would hope that the worst is over now and that we have a somewhat brighter future to look forward to. During the pandemic we were blessed with the company of our cherished Dalmatians which made the isolation of lockdowns easier to endure. Now, with restrictions potentially easing and travel allowed, it looks as though it could be a very busy summer indeed if all goes as planned. I for one certainly look forward to getting out with my dogs and meeting all my friends again, but I do wonder what the dogs will make of a ring full of Dalmatians when they have become used to seeing just the odd one or two when out walking! I’m sure that many shows will have a slightly different format but I feel that we must make the best of it if we wish our much beloved hobby to continue. Many thanks must go to our Club Secretary Shelagh, and Show Secretary Stevie, who I know have been working exceptionally hard rearranging postponed shows and organising future events and judges; a list of which, together with a Covid-19 Notice, may be found in the next issue of Spots of News and on the Club’s Website. Please keep watching the website and FB page for updates. We will let you all know what is planned as soon as possible. Stay safe and take care of yourselves and your dogs. I look forward to seeing you all at some point this year. John Moate Chairman / Covid Officer
Last Updated 3rd May 2021