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The British Dalmatian Club is planning to hold a Seminar and Judging Assessment

The British Dalmatian Club is planning to hold a Seminar and Judging Assessment at Ryton Village Hall ( close to The Cricket Connection, Ryton on Dunsmore, Coventry) on 16th November 2013 starting at 9.30 am

The day will begin with a talk by Dr John Stevenson (KC registered Trainer and Breed Specialist) looking in detail at the Breed Standard.

This part of the day is open to all--- from folk new to the breed to those looking to move up the Judging Lists. A Certificate of attendance will be provided

For those who wished to be assessed (maximum 8 Candidates) the lecture will be followed by a written paper and then individually each candidate will judge a class of Dalmatians while being assessed by a panel of experienced Breed Specialists. They will then have time to produce a critique of the dogs to form part of their assessment.

Successful candidates will receive a Judging Diploma which is essential under KC Rules to progress from the B to A3 list

Cost will be £25 for Candidates taking judging assessment including lunch (whole day)
£15 for Seminar including lunch (must be pre-booked)
£10 for Seminar only (no need to book)
For full details and to book please email or phone 01604 859525 .

Last Updated 22nd October 2013